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Oregano is a satire outlet for people who love cannabis. Our mission is to highlight the stupidity of locking people up over an herb.

The Situation:

Around the US, cannabis is being purchased and used for medicine and relaxation by responsible law-abiding adults, while those who are licensed to grow and sell the plant are able to build generational wealth doing so. Meanwhile, there are still over 40,000 Americans currently locked up on nonviolent cannabis charges, and the enforcement of cannabis prohibition continues to disproportionately target Black and Brown communities.

It has been clear for decades that the prohibition of cannabis has been a humanitarian disaster, and reparations need to be made. At Oregano, we call on politicians to act swiftly in descheduling and decriminalizing cannabis nationwide, granting clemency to all nonviolent cannabis offenders, and investing related tax revenues into communities that have been targeted by the war on drugs.

Who Creates Our Content?

Oregano’s content is written by a talented mix of professional comedians, satire writers, and jaded cannabis industry journalists. Think you’ve got what it takes to be an Oregano writer? Get in touch to learn how to pitch headlines.

How Do We Make Money?

Right now, we don’t. 100% of the profits from sales of Oregano merchandise this year will be donated to The Last Prisoner Project, an organization fighting to achieve restorative justice for victims of the drug war.

How Can I Help?

We encourage you to visit to sign the petition to create a national committee to facilitate pardons and immediate conditional release for those who are locked up on nonviolent cannabis charges. We are also compiling a library of prison reform resources and organizations that are fighting for restorative justice for incarcerated people: check back soon for updates. And if you enjoy our content, sharing it online will help our message reach more people!